Terms of Service Agreement for Ranx.ai

Last Updated: February 29th, 2024


Welcome to Ranx.ai (“we,” “us,” or “our”), a professional content grading tool designed to help you optimize your digital content. By accessing or using our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service (“Agreement”). Please read this Agreement carefully before using our services.

Description of Service

Our services are accessible via our website, located at ranx.ai (the “Website”), and include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Content Evaluation Tools: Automated tools that assess the quality, readability, SEO effectiveness, and overall engagement potential of written content.
  • SEO Analysis: Advanced search engine optimization tools to help users identify opportunities for improving their content’s visibility and ranking on search engines.
  • Performance Tracking: Features that allow users to monitor the impact of their content over time, including changes in engagement, readability scores, and SEO rankings.
  • Resource Access: A rich collection of resources, including articles, tutorials, and guides on content creation, optimization, and best practices in digital marketing.

Our services may include various forms of communication from Ranx.ai, such as service announcements, administrative messages, and updates regarding new features or tools. These communications are considered part of the service and your Ranx.ai account.

Registration and Use of Service

By registering for and utilizing the services provided by Ranx.ai (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”), you affirm and warrant that you possess the legal capacity to enter into binding agreements. As a condition of your use of the Service, you commit to the following:

  • Accuracy of Information: You agree to provide truthful, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as required by the Service’s registration process (“Registration Data”). Furthermore, you pledge to diligently maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to ensure its continued accuracy, currency, and completeness. Should any information you provide prove to be false, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, or should ranx.ai have reasonable grounds to suspect that such is the case, ranx.ai reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account and deny you access to any and all current or future use of the Service, or any portion thereof, without prejudice to any other remedies available under law.
  • Rights and Permissions: In using the Service, you represent and warrant that you possess all necessary rights and permissions, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, pertaining to any information you provide in connection with your use of the Service. By agreeing to these terms, you hereby grant ranx.ai a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display the information you provide, solely for the purpose of delivering the Service. You bear sole responsibility for the information you submit and for ensuring that you have the right to provide such information to Ranx.ai.
  • Third-Party Content: The Service may display content that is not owned or controlled by Ranx.ai. The responsibility for such content rests solely with the entity that has made it available. You acknowledge that Ranx.ai does not review such third-party content and, therefore, does not guarantee its accuracy, reliability, or suitability for any purpose. Reliance on any content provided by entities other than Ranx.ai is strictly at your own risk.
  • Prohibited Uses: You agree not to use the Service for the development of a similar or competitive product or service. Any attempt to reverse engineer, replicate, or otherwise derive the underlying concepts, technology, or intellectual property of the Service is expressly prohibited.

No Resale or Redistribution of Service

Permitted Use

The Service is provided to you for internal use within your company. You are authorized to utilize the Service for the purpose of gaining insights and analysis aimed at optimizing your website(s) and associated marketing campaigns. This authorization is intended to facilitate your business’s online presence and performance enhancement.

Restrictions on Use

You expressly agree that, except as directly permitted by Ranx.ai or as required under applicable law, the Service, including any part thereof, shall not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, traded, resold, permitted for access, transferred, assigned, modified, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of the Service, access to the Service, and any computer code that powers the Service. Furthermore, you agree not to create derivative works from the Service that would in any manner replicate or compete with it.

Account Responsibility

As the User, you are solely responsible for all activities conducted through your account with the Service. This responsibility includes safeguarding the confidentiality of your account credentials and ensuring that any use of the Service under your account complies with these terms. You must promptly notify Ranx.ai of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security that comes to your attention.

Intellectual Property

The use of our Service, Ranx.ai, does not confer upon you any ownership rights over the intellectual property inherent in our Service or in the content that you may access through the use of our Service. It is important to understand that all materials provided through our Service, along with all intellectual property rights related to the Service (this includes, but is not limited to, all underlying technology, any modifications thereto, and all work products generated as a result of or in connection with the aforementioned materials and technology), are and shall remain the exclusive property of Ranx.ai. It is expressly clarified that, barring explicit statements to the contrary, no rights are granted to you other than the right to access and use the Service in accordance with its intended purpose.

In the event that you believe your work has been utilized in connection with our Service in a manner that constitutes an infringement of copyright, or if you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon in any other way, we urge you to contact us immediately at support@Ranx.ai In order to facilitate a thorough investigation of your claim, Ranx.ai may request that you provide additional information pertaining to the alleged infringement, and such information may be required to be presented in a specific format as determined by Ranx.ai.

Please be assured that Ranx.ai takes allegations of intellectual property infringement very seriously and is committed to addressing such concerns promptly and effectively. Our goal is to ensure that the integrity of the intellectual property rights of all parties is respected and protected within the framework of our Service.

Content Submission and Analysis in Writing Enhancement Tools Rights to Content

By utilizing our Service, you may furnish text for processing (“Input”). In response to your Input, our Service may produce a corresponding output (“Output”), with both Input and Output collectively referred to as “Content.” You affirm and guarantee that you possess all necessary rights, have issued all requisite notices, and have secured all essential consents to enable us to process any Input you provide to the Service in compliance with these Terms. You further ensure that your actions do not infringe upon any applicable laws, including but not limited to intellectual property, data protection, and privacy laws. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in these terms, you retain all rights, including intellectual property rights, interests, and title to the Input. You hereby grant us an irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual license to utilize all Content.


We reserve the right to employ Content, along with any feedback you provide, to aid in the development or enhancement of our Service, the creation of other products and services, and the training of our machine learning models. Additionally, Content is utilized to ensure compliance with applicable laws and the enforcement of our policies.

Personal Information

In instances where you voluntarily disclose personal information, whether within your Input or through other means, you acknowledge that our handling and use of such personal information are governed by our Privacy Policy.

Accuracy and Reliance on Output

Given the inherent characteristics of machine learning, responses generated by our Service are probabilistic and may not always be accurate or complete. There exists the potential for the generation of offensive or biased Output. We urge you to verify the accuracy of the Output prior to reliance. Our Service is not designed to offer professional legal, financial, or medical advice. It is imperative that you undertake independent research before depending on the Output for such matters.

Output of Third Parties

Owing to the nature of machine learning, it is possible for Output to bear resemblance or be identical to Output generated for a third party. You acknowledge that Output produced by other users is not deemed your content.

This section is crafted with the precision and formality characteristic of legal documentation to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness in outlining the rights, responsibilities, and expectations associated with the use of our Service.

Account Access Terms

  • Registration Requirements: To register for and access the Service, you are required to provide a valid email address along with any other information deemed necessary by Ranx.ai for the completion of the registration process. It is imperative that all information provided for registration is accurate, complete, and updated promptly in the event of any changes.
  • Human Registration Only: The Service mandates that account registration be conducted personally by individuals. The creation of accounts through automated methods, including but not limited to “bots” or other similar technologies, is strictly prohibited. Ranx.ai reserves the right to refuse registration, or cancel an account previously accepted, if it is determined that the account was registered through non-human means.
  • Individual Use: Each account and corresponding login credentials (including usernames and passwords) are for the exclusive use of the individual registrant to whom they were issued. The sharing of login credentials among multiple users, or the use of a single set of login credentials by multiple individuals, is expressly forbidden. Ranx.ai reserves the unilateral right to terminate or suspend access to the Service for any account that is suspected of violating this condition, particularly if there is reasonable evidence to suggest that the account credentials have been willingly and/or knowingly shared with others.
  • Security and Liability: Registrants are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their account login credentials. This includes taking appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Service through the registrant’s account. Ranx.ai disclaims any and all liability for losses or damages resulting from the failure of a registrant to adhere to these security obligations. It is the registrant’s duty to notify Ranx.ai immediately upon becoming aware of any unauthorized use of their account or any other breach of security.
  • Compliance and Enforcement: Ranx.ai reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in Ranx.ai’s sole discretion, violates these Account Access Terms, including without limitation, removing the offending communication from the Service and terminating or suspending the violator’s access to the Service.

Service and Marketing Messages

Consent to Communication

By initiating the registration process and creating an account with Ranx.ai, whether under a free or paid subscription model, you hereby affirmatively consent to receive electronic communications from us. These communications will be sent to the email address you have provided during the registration process.

Nature of Communications

The scope of communications you are consenting to includes, but is not limited to, notifications regarding updates to our service offerings, educational content such as tips and tutorials related to the utilization of our tools, and essential system-related messages.

Opt-Out Mechanism

We respect your right to control your inbox. As such, included in every email communication sent to you will be an ‘Unsubscribe’ link. You may utilize this feature at any time to withdraw your consent from receiving any future optional emails, without affecting your access to or use of our Service.

Delivery of Communications

Please be aware that the delivery of our communications may be facilitated through our proprietary mailing service or through the services of third-party providers, such as MailChimp. For detailed information regarding the handling and sharing of your personal information in relation to these communications, we refer you to our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the terms and conditions you agree to by using our Service.

Unauthorized Uses

The use of the Service provided by Ranx.ai is subject to strict compliance with the terms outlined herein to protect the integrity and proprietary rights of the Service and its associated entities, including but not limited to Ranx.ai. Users are expressly prohibited from engaging in any activity that may compromise the Service or its associated software, websites, or intellectual property.

  • Modification and Misrepresentation: Users are strictly forbidden from altering, adapting, or hacking the Service or any related software. Similarly, modifying another website to falsely suggest an association with the Service or Ranx.ai is prohibited. Such actions are deceptive, potentially damaging to our reputation, and may infringe upon our intellectual property rights.
  • Reverse Engineering and Reuse: The reverse engineering of object code or the unauthorized reuse of source code, including but not limited to JavaScript associated with the Service, is expressly prohibited. These actions constitute a breach of Ranx.ai intellectual property rights and are subject to legal action.
  • Malicious Code: The transmission of worms, viruses, or any code of a destructive or malicious nature is strictly forbidden. Users must not compromise the integrity, security, or functionality of the Service, its users, or the wider internet community.
  • Unauthorized Modifications and Access: Modifying, using modified versions of any code provided in relation to the Service, or attempting to obtain unauthorized access to the Service, are actions that violate the terms of use. Access to the Service must be through the interfaces provided by Ranx.ai and not through any unauthorized means, including but not limited to, direct database access, custom HTTP calls, or manipulation of the Service.
  • Interference and Disruption: Users agree not to interfere with or disrupt the integrity, security, functionality, or performance of the Service or its components. This includes prohibitions against the use of automated tools such as scrapers or bots, except through the Application Program Interfaces (APIs) provided by the Service, to access the Service.
  • Bypassing Functionality: Attempts to bypass any functionality or access features on the website directly, outside of the normal use parameters set by Ranx.ai, are strictly prohibited. This includes any attempt to exploit features considered to be omissions or errors within the Service.

Violation of these terms may result in immediate termination, suspension, or blocking of access to the Service. Ranx.ai reserves the right to take legal action against individuals or entities that engage in unauthorized uses of the Service, compromising its integrity, security, or functionality. Users are encouraged to engage with the Service within the bounds of normal, permitted use, respecting the intellectual property and operational framework established by Ranx.ai.

Instructions, Rules, Guidelines, and Directions

In the course of providing the Service, Ranx.ai (hereinafter referred to as “the Provider”) reserves the right to promulgate, amend, and enforce various instructions, rules, guidelines, and directions (collectively, “Regulations”). These Regulations are integral to the maintenance of the Service’s quality, security, and integrity. To avail oneself of the Service, users (hereinafter referred to as “the User”) are obliged to adhere strictly to these Regulations.

Compliance with the Regulations is not optional; it is a mandatory condition for the continued use of the Service. The Provider shall communicate any changes to the Regulations in a timely and clear manner. It is the User’s responsibility to remain informed about, and in compliance with, all current Regulations as a condition of their ongoing use of the Service.

Failure to comply with the Regulations may result in the suspension or termination of the User’s access to the Service, at the sole discretion of the Provider. The Provider assumes no liability for any loss or damage arising from the User’s failure to comply with the Regulations.

By continuing to use the Service, the User expressly acknowledges their understanding of these terms and agrees to abide by them.

IP Address Restrictions

To safeguard the integrity of our Service, we, at Ranx.ai, maintain the unequivocal authority to restrict access from specific IP addresses at any given moment, based solely on our discretion. This measure is crucial for preventing unauthorized use and ensuring the Service remains secure and reliable for all users. Should you suspect that your IP address has been unjustly blocked, we encourage you to reach out to our support team for assistance at support@Ranx.ai.

Registration, Plan Selection, Cancellation Policy, and Extra Usage Costs

1. Registration and Subscription Access

You are invited to register for the Service at no initial cost. Registration grants you limited access to certain features and tools within the Service. Full access to an extended range of features, including the utilization of numerous tools, requires a subscription to the Service.

2. Subscription Plans and Payments

The Service offers both monthly and annual paid subscription plans. Payment for these subscriptions is required in advance, either on a monthly or annual basis, corresponding to the chosen plan. By subscribing, you acknowledge and consent to recurring charges for the continuation of your subscription. These charges will be applied to the credit card or payment method initially provided or subsequently updated for subscription purposes. Your subscription will automatically renew and continue until you actively cancel it.

3. Cancellation and Modification

To avoid charges for the upcoming subscription period, you must cancel your subscription before the renewal date. Post-cancellation, access to the Service remains until the end of the current billing cycle. You may also choose to downgrade your subscription at any point; however, such changes will only take effect after the conclusion of the current subscription term. The terms outlined herein will apply to any downgraded subscription plans.

4. Usage Entitlements and Additional Charges

Each subscription plan entitles you to a specific set of features and/or usage limits. Usage exceeding the limits of your subscription plan may incur additional charges, as detailed on our pricing page. Charges for any additional usage will be billed periodically on a pay-as-you-go basis. These charges apply even after your subscription ends, for any reason, and any unused portion of your subscription will expire after the designated period without rollover to future periods.

5. Non-Payment and Service Access

Failure to settle any additional usage charges grants us the authority to terminate your access to the Service. We reserve the right to apply the value of any remaining subscription towards the settlement of outstanding charges.

Taxation and Fees

Please be advised that all pricing and charges associated with our Service are presented exclusive of taxes and fees. In compliance with prevailing legal standards, taxes and fees will be appropriately levied on the invoices we issue. The determination and calculation of the requisite taxes and fees shall be conducted at the sole discretion of Ranx.ai. We reserve the right to adjust these amounts as necessary, without the obligation to provide advance notification.

Should you qualify for exemption from any taxes and fees, it is incumbent upon you to furnish us with valid tax exemption certificates or other forms of documentation deemed acceptable by the relevant tax authorities, to affirm your exemption status. Ranx.ai retains the authority to examine and authenticate any submitted tax exemption documentation. In the event that such documentation is either not provided or found to be invalid, we shall assert our right to impose the applicable taxes and fees.

The responsibility for the settlement of any applicable taxes and fees rests solely with you. Therefore, all payments made to us for our Service must be executed in full, devoid of any deductions or withholdings for taxes and fees, as mandated by applicable laws. Should any deductions or withholdings for taxes and fees (inclusive of both domestic and international withholding taxes) be obligatory on any payment, you shall be liable to remit additional amounts to ensure that the net sum received by us corresponds precisely to the amount owed for the utilization of our Service. This includes amounts due under your subscription plan and any other incurred charges. Upon request, we will supply the necessary tax forms to potentially reduce or negate the imposition of withholding or deduction for taxes on payments made for our Service.

In instances where the obligation to remit taxes and fees to the tax authorities falls upon you, rather than Ranx.ai, via reverse charge mechanisms or similar procedures, you are required to provide us with all pertinent evidence to substantiate your business operations. This may encompass a valid VAT registration number among other relevant details. We reserve the right to scrutinize and verify the authenticity of your VAT registration number or any related information you provide. Should any such information be deemed invalid, we maintain the right to impose the applicable VAT charges. It is crucial to note that, in circumstances where VAT liabilities arise on your part to a tax authority through reverse charge mechanisms or similar processes, you bear the sole responsibility for discharging such amounts directly to the concerned tax authority, ensuring that we receive the full payment due for your access to our Service.

Refund Policy

Subject to applicable legal requirements, Ranx.ai is under no obligation to issue refunds at any given time or under any specific circumstances. Should you hold a monthly subscription, you are entitled to submit a refund request following a payment transaction, contingent upon the condition of non-utilization of our services. However, it is important to note that Ranx.ai retains the absolute discretion to reject any refund requests if there is evidence of significant usage or activity within your account.

Cancellation of Service by Ranx.ai

Ranx.ai reserves the exclusive right to terminate services at its sole discretion under the following conditions:

  • If you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions set forth herein.
  • Should there be any detection of abnormal usage patterns or unauthorized activities concerning the Service.
  • In the event you attempt to undermine, damage, or negatively affect our reputation, work, or the Service we provide.
  • Upon receiving requests or directives from law enforcement or other governmental entities.
  • If you become the subject of a bankruptcy petition or engage in any proceedings related to insolvency, business cessation, liquidation, or arrangement for the advantage of creditors.

This clause ensures that Ranx.ai maintains the integrity of its services and protects its operational standards against any actions that may threaten its service quality or legal standing.

Data Collection and Use

By accessing and utilizing the Service, you hereby acknowledge and consent to the collection, anonymization, and aggregation of any data you provide to the Service. This encompasses, but is not limited to, data associated with your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts. You agree that such anonymized and aggregated data may be utilized by Ranx.ai for the purpose of enhancing the Service, without any obligation to identify you as the source of the data.

Modifications to the Service

Ranx.ai reserves the right to continuously evolve and enhance the Service provided to you. This may involve the introduction of new functionalities or features, the removal of existing ones, or a complete cessation of the Service. While we value your patronage, you retain the option to discontinue the use of our Service at your discretion. Conversely, Ranx.ai may, at its sole discretion, terminate the provision of the Service to you or impose new limitations on the Service at any given time.

By using our Service, you acknowledge and consent that Ranx.ai shall not be held accountable for any modifications, suspensions, or discontinuation of the Service, and no liability shall extend to you or any third party as a result of such actions.

Furthermore, Ranx.ai expressly reserves the right to modify subscription plans, adjust pricing for the Service or any of its components, at any time and in any manner, as determined solely by Ranx.ai. Such adjustments may be made at Ranx.ai’s absolute discretion without prior notice to you.


The Service may facilitate access to other sites on the World Wide Web or to resources. It is important to clarify that Ranx.ai exercises no control over such external sites or resources. By acknowledging this, you accept and agree that Ranx.ai bears no responsibility for the availability of external sites or resources, does not endorse such sites or resources, and is not accountable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or accessible from such sites or resources. Furthermore, you recognize and consent that Ranx.ai shall not be held liable, either directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss purported to be caused by, or in connection with, the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such external site or resource.

Indemnity Clause

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Ranx.ai, along with its directors, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), judgments, fines, and penalties based upon or arising out of your negligent actions, errors, and omissions, breach of these terms, infringement or violation of the intellectual property rights of others, or your breach of any applicable local, state, national, or international laws or regulations. This indemnification obligation will survive the termination or expiration of these terms and your use of Ranx.ai services.

Liability for Our Service

The Service and all information provided on Ranx.ai are offered on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without any form of warranty.

Ranx.ai does not guarantee or warrant that the Service (including any products or data) will meet your requirements, be secure, timely, accurate, error-free, bug-free, virus-free, uninterrupted, comply with applicable laws, or that Ranx.ai will correct all errors.





Ranx.ai shall not be responsible for any delay in performance or non-performance due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of Ranx.ai.

Regulatory Compliance

You hereby affirm and guarantee that at all times, your conduct and use of the Service through Ranx.ai are in strict adherence to all relevant laws, including but not limited to sanctions and export control regulations, pertaining to all activities undertaken in connection with this Service.

Contacting Ranx.ai

Ranx.ai may be contacted by email at support@Ranx.ai.

By contacting Ranx.ai, you grant Ranx.ai a right to use any ideas, information, designs, or other material contained in any communication, except where you have clearly reserved such rights in writing.

Any comments or feedback provided by you to Ranx.ai may be acted upon by Ranx.ai without any obligation to you.

All parties should acknowledge that email is not a secure, guaranteed medium of communication. Emails should only be considered received by Ranx.ai if you receive a manually created response.

You should understand that communication from Ranx.ai via email is not intended to be legally binding in nature, unless expressly stated

About these Terms

Ranx.ai reserves the right to modify these terms or any additional terms that apply to the Service, to reflect changes in the law or alterations to our Service. We encourage you to review the online version of our terms on a regular basis. Notice of any modifications to these terms will be posted on this page. Such changes will not be applied retroactively and will only become effective no sooner than seven days after their posting. However, changes implemented for new functions of the Service or those made for legal reasons will take effect immediately. If you disagree with the revised terms of the Service, you are advised to cease using our Service.

The terms outlined herein govern the relationship between Ranx.ai and you. They do not confer any rights to third-party beneficiaries.

Your failure to adhere to these terms, coupled with our inaction, does not waive our rights to enforce these terms and to demand compliance at any point.

Should any provision of these terms be deemed invalid, unenforceable, or null, the remaining terms shall continue to be valid, enforceable, and unaffected.

The titles of sections in these terms are provided for convenience only and hold no legal or contractual significance.

These terms, including any matters arising from, related to, or in any way connected with these terms, as well as their interpretation, construction, performance, and enforcement, shall be governed by the laws of UK. By agreeing to these terms, you consent to the jurisdiction of the courts of UK for the resolution of any disputes, actions, or proceedings that may arise.

Enforcement and Modification

Ranx.ai reserves the right to take appropriate legal action against any User who violates these terms, including without limitation, terminating the User’s access to the Service. Ranx.ai may also modify these terms at any time, with such modifications becoming effective upon their posting to the website. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for changes.

By accepting these terms, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the conditions outlined herein. Ranx.ai reserves the right to modify these terms at any time, with such modifications becoming effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of the Service following any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new terms.